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SharePoint Designer

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by [김경민]™ ┌(  ̄∇ ̄)┘™ 2014. 2. 11.

[출처] http://www.eliostruyf.com/sticky-footer-solution-for-sharepoint-2013/

Adding the HMTL Footer markup to the master page

  • Open the master page its HTML file in your favorite text editor (in this example I will use the seattle.html file);
  • Do a search for the s4-workspace DIV, and add a new wrapper DIV underneath it;

Wrapper DIV location

Wrapper DIV location

  • Go straight to the bottom of the HTML file and find the last DIV closing tag;
  • Replace the DIV's closing tag with the following code:

Footer HTML location

Footer HTML location

  • Save the file

Styling your footer

Now that you've added your HTML markup to the master page HTML file, we only need to style the footer.

The CSS markup looks like this:

I paced this CSS code for testing purposes in the following location: "/_layouts/15/images/tests/footer.css

