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SharePoint Designer

Display Users with Presence in a SharePoint Hosted App

by [김경민]™ ┌(  ̄∇ ̄)┘™ 2014. 2. 3.

[출처] http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/59fb1a35-1206-4cfd-9bd8-c77948112ee1/display-users-with-presence-in-a-sharepoint-hosted-app?forum=appsforsharepoint

[출처] http://www.sharepointcolumn.com/lync-presence-indicators-code-snippets-in-sharepoint-2013/

[출처] http://www.ableblue.com/blog/archive/2013/06/05/add-presence-to-sharepoint-search-results/

This is one of my favorite tips to show during my Conference Sessions. I think it makes the Search UI so much more fun and easy to use when working with people. Oh, and you don’t have to reserve your self to only Search results. This tip ought to work anywhere in SharePoint that you have an email address (actually, a properly formatted SIP address).


The presence awareness of SharePoint depends on a couple different pieces of technology all working together, namely:

  • SharePoint
  • Exchange
  • Lync
  • Active Directory

Once you have them all wired up and images are showing correctly, you should begin to see them on the people search results page. This is Ruby’s search result showing that she is currently online.


If I hover over her image I can look at her contact card. From the contact card I can initiate a chat, phone call, video conference or email her.


Business Case

So what if you’d like to add this capability to a display template that you are building? For example you want to search a customer database and in that database you have references to your sales people. If you have a valid SIP address (often the users email address) you can build presence into your display template.





