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chrome 에서 css 비활성화하기 chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-developer/bfbameneiokkgbdmiekhjnmfkcnldhhm Web Developer Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools. chrome.google.com http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/help/ 2020. 9. 29.
Please submit a new appeal and make sure that the link is publicly browsable Please submit a new appeal and make sure that the link is publicly browsable. -> 1. Edit the link https://url/app.apk?dl=1 2. the edited link in bit.ly to shorten it to like http://bit.ly/example 3. paste the generated link in the URL to download your APK file field. 2020. 9. 15.
Windows 주요프로세스 [lass.exe] Local Security Authority Subsystem Services •보안정책적용을담당하고있는프로세스 •패스워드변경, access tokens 생성, 사용자인증등을담당 •악성코드가자주사용하는이름중하나 Anomalies •실행이미지의경로가%systemroot%\system32 가아닌경우. •자식process 를가지고있는경우•프로세스시작시간이시스템부팅시간과동떨어진경우 •CPU 점유율이과도하게높은경우 [svchost.exe] 프로세스의목적및기능 •Service host •동적라이브러리(DLL) 에서실행되는윈도우의각종서비스를제어. •윈도우부팅시레지스트리의서비스부분을검사. •로드해야할서비스의대상, 위치, 시작되는방법파악 실행파일의경로 •C:\windows\system32 Anomal.. 2020. 9. 14.
IIS에서 apk 파일 다운로드 가능하도록 설정 IIS의 mimetype 설정에서 아래의 확장자를 추가 확장명: .apk MIME 형식: application/vnd.android.package-archive 출처: https://as-one.tistory.com/entry/윈도우서버-IIS에서-apk-파일-다운로드-가능하도록-설정 [AsOne블로그] 2020. 9. 14.