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sharepoint 에 foorer 넣기 [출처] http://www.eliostruyf.com/sticky-footer-solution-for-sharepoint-2013/ Adding the HMTL Footer markup to the master pageOpen the master page its HTML file in your favorite text editor (in this example I will use the seattle.html file);Do a search for the s4-workspace DIV, and add a new wrapper DIV underneath it; XHTML 12Wrapper DIV locationGo straight to the bottom of the HTML file and find t.. 2014. 2. 11.
Display Users with Presence in a SharePoint Hosted App [출처] http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/59fb1a35-1206-4cfd-9bd8-c77948112ee1/display-users-with-presence-in-a-sharepoint-hosted-app?forum=appsforsharepoint [출처] http://www.sharepointcolumn.com/lync-presence-indicators-code-snippets-in-sharepoint-2013/ [출처] http://www.ableblue.com/blog/archive/2013/06/05/add-presence-to-sharepoint-search-results/ This is one of my favorite t.. 2014. 2. 3.
SharePoint ribbon default change [출처] http://paulbuzzblog.wordpress.com/2012/11/23/how-to-hide-the-sharepoint-ribbon/ function hideEditRibbon() { var ribbon = SP.Ribbon.PageManager.get_instance().get_ribbon(); // Set the tab to the “Browse” tab SelectRibbonTab("Ribbon.Read", true); // Remove the “Edit” tab from a list from from the ribbon. ribbon.removeChild('Ribbon.ListForm.Edit'); } SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(func.. 2014. 1. 24.
javascript 에서 동적으로 css 속성 주기 [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14477746/jquery-css-dynamically-change-attributes-of-a-class html: What? Now? css:.myClass{ background-color: #ffff00; }js:$(".myClass").css("background-color", "#00FFFF"); $("p").last().after("Now!"); 2014. 1. 10.
테이블의 특정 컬럼의 css 조정하기 [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18846271/css-how-to-target-a-specific-cell-inside-a-table .mytable tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(5) { /* Styles goes here */ } 2014. 1. 9.
a 태그에 동적 target 지정하기 [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/804256/how-do-i-add-target-blank-to-a-link-within-a-specified-div $('a[href^="http://"], a[href^="https://"]').attr('target', '_blank'); 2014. 1. 7.
css simple tree menu [출처] http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/navigate1.htm Simple Tree MenuAuthor: Dynamic DriveNote: Replaces original Smart Folding menu on same page.Description: This is a unobtrusive Tree Menu script that turns any ordinary list (UL element) into a collapsible tree! Once transformed, the original list and its sublists can be collapsed/expanded at will, with cookies used to optionally persi.. 2013. 12. 31.
로고 클릭 시 메인 페이지로 이동하기 [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13582710/sharepoint-redirect-site-logo-link-to-the-root-site-collection-home-page SharePoint Redirect site logo link to the root site collection home page //read old link idvar oldLogoId = $("#DeltaSiteLogo > a").attr('id');//change the id$("#" + oldLogoId).attr('id','CustomSiteLogo');//create dummy hidden element$("#DeltaSiteLogo > a").after("Dummy");//se.. 2013. 12. 24.
sharepoint 2013 foundation submenu [출처] http://support.bind.pt/entries/22853988-How-can-I-add-a-dropdown-menu-to-the-Sharepoint-Foundation-top-navigation-bar- How can I add a dropdown menu to the Sharepoint Foundation top navigation bar?By default SharePoint Foundation doesn’t support drop down menus on the top navigation bar, however our themes can be modified to support this feature.To have this feature in your SharePoint found.. 2013. 12. 9.