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[전산회계2급 필기학습] 비용의 의의 및 분류 요점정리 www.sjcorea.co.kr | 어카운팅 http://blog.naver.com/uos2007/130034235431 2013. 4. 27.
[전산회계2급 필기정리] 거래의 종류 및 분류 www.sjcorea.co.kr | 어카운팅 http://blog.naver.com/uos2007/130029403925 2013. 4. 27.
전산회계2급 핵심요점정리 투자자산 및 유형자산 알아보기 www.sjcorea.co.kr | 어카운팅 http://blog.naver.com/uos2007/130075531568 2013. 4. 27.
전산회계운용사 http://license.korcham.net/index.html 2013. 4. 27.
한국세무사회 자격시험 사이트 http://license.kacpta.or.kr/ 2013. 4. 27.
How to detect UTF-8 A. case 1 [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1031645/how-to-detect-utf-8-in-plain-c _Bool is_utf8(const char * string) { if(!string) return 0; const unsigned char * bytes = (const unsigned char *)string; while(*bytes) { if( (// ASCII // use bytes[0] 2013. 4. 27.
android debug Source not found [출처] http://android.opensourceror.org/2010/01/18/android-source/ Attaching Android platform source in Eclipse January 18th, 2010 34 Comments Are you tired of seeing this when you look at your platform JAR in Eclipse? Dude, where's my source? Or how about this when you’re debugging? How am I supposed to debug this? Android is open source, right? So how do we see the source? Some background Tip: I.. 2013. 4. 27.
TileTemplateType [출처] http://msdn.microsoft.com/ko-kr/library/windows/apps/hh761491.aspx#TileWidePeekImage04 The TileTemplateType enumeration has these members. Member Value Description TileSquareImage | tileSquareImage 0 One square image that fills the entire tile, no text. TileSquareBlock | tileSquareBlock 1 One string of large block text over a single, short line of bold, regular text. TileSquareText01 | tile.. 2013. 4. 27.
Segoe UI Symbols [출처] http://www.nogginbox.co.uk/blog/app-bar-buttons-in-winrt Segoe UI Symbols These will only display correctly if you have Segoe UI Symbol installed (this font comes with Windows 8)  #xe100;  #xe101;  #xe102;  #xe103;  #xe104;  #xe105;  #xe106;  #xe107;  #xe108;  #xe109;  #xe10a;  #xe10b;  #xe10c;  #xe10d;  #xe10e;  #xe10f;  #xe110;  #xe111;  #xe112;  #xe113;  #xe114;  #x.. 2013. 4. 27.