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M121 The MongoDB Aggregation Framework

by [김경민]™ ┌(  ̄∇ ̄)┘™ 2022. 6. 18.




Chapter 0: Introduction and Aggregation Concepts

Introduction to the MongoDB Aggregation Framework




Chapter 0: Introduction and Aggregation Concepts

Atlas Requirement


mongo "mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-00-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-02-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017/aggregations?replicaSet=Cluster0-shard-0" --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl -u m121 -p aggregations --norc


Cluster0-shard-0:PRIMARY> show collections




















mongosh "mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-00-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-02-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017/aggregations?replicaSet=Cluster0-shard-0" --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl -u m121 -p aggregations --norc





Chapter 0: Introduction and Aggregation Concepts

The Concept of Pipelines




Which of the following is true about pipelines and the Aggregation Framework?

- Documents flow through the pipeline, passing from one stage to the next

- The Aggregation Framework provides us many stages to filter and transform our data




Chapter 0: Introduction and Aggregation Concepts

Aggregation Structure and Syntax






Aggregation Pipeline Quick Reference — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB ManualFor details on specific operator, including syntax and examples, click on the specific operator to go to its reference page.In the db.collection.aggregate() method, pipeline stages appear in an array. Documents pass through the





Which of the following statements is true?

- An aggregation pipeline is an array of stages.

- Some expressions can only be used in certain stages.




Chapter 1: Basic Aggregation - $match and $project

$match: Filtering documents





$match (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$matchFilters the documents to pass only the documents that match the specified condition(s) to the next pipeline stage.The $match stage has the following prototype form:$match takes a document that specifies the query condition




Which of the following is/are true of the $match stage?

- It should come very early in an aggregation pipeline.

- It uses the familiar MongoDB query language.







Chapter 1: Basic Aggregation - $match and $project

Lab - $match


mongo "mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-00-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-02-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017/aggregations?replicaSet=Cluster0-shard-0" --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl -u m121 -p aggregations --norc




mongosh "mongodb://cluster0-shard-00-00-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-01-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017,cluster0-shard-00-02-jxeqq.mongodb.net:27017/aggregations?replicaSet=Cluster0-shard-0" --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl -u m121 -p aggregations --norc



Help MongoDB pick a movie our next movie night! Based on employee polling, we've decided that potential movies must meet the following criteria.


- imdb.rating is at least 7

- genres does not contain "Crime" or "Horror"

- rated is either "PG" or "G"

- languages contains "English" and "Japanese"


Assign the aggregation to a variable named pipeline, like:


var pipeline = [ { $match: { ... } } ]


- As a hint, your aggregation should return 23 documents. You can verify this by typing db.movies.aggregate(pipeline).itcount()

- Download the m121/chapter1.zip handout with this lab. Unzip the downloaded folder and copy its contents to the m121 directory.

- Load validateLab1.js into mongo shell




- And run the validateLab1 validation method




What is the answer?



-> 15




Chapter 1: Basic Aggregation - $match and $project

Shaping documents with $project





$project (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$projectPasses along the documents with the requested fields to the next stage in the pipeline. The specified fields can be existing fields from the input documents or newly computed fields.The $project stage has the following p





Which of the following statements are true of the $project stage?

- Once we specify a field to retain or perform some computation in a $project stage, we must specify all fields we wish to retain. The only exception to this is the _id field.

- Beyond simply removing and retaining fields, $project lets us add new fields.





Our first movie night was a success. Unfortunately, our ISP called to let us know we're close to our bandwidth quota, but we need another movie recommendation!


Using the same $match stage from the previous lab, add a $project stage to only display the title and film rating (title and rated fields).


- Assign the results to a variable called pipeline.


var pipeline = [{ $match: {. . .} }, { $project: { . . . } }]


- Load validateLab2.js which was included in the same handout as validateLab1.js and execute validateLab2(pipeline)?




- And run the validateLab2 validation method




What is the answer?



-> 15




Chapter 1: Basic Aggregation - $match and $project

Lab - Computing Fields


Our movies dataset has a lot of different documents, some with more convoluted titles than others. If we'd like to analyze our collection to find movie titles that are composed of only one word, we could fetch all the movies in the dataset and do some processing in a client application, but the Aggregation Framework allows us to do this on the server!


Using the Aggregation Framework, find a count of the number of movies that have a title composed of one word. To clarify, "Cinderella" and "3-25" should count, where as "Cast Away" would not.


Make sure you look into the $split String expression and the $size Array expression


To get the count, you can append itcount() to the end of your pipeline




-> 8066



Chapter 1: Basic Aggregation - $match and $project

Optional Lab - Expressions with $project


This lab will have you work with data within arrays, a common operation.

Specifically, one of the arrays you'll work with is writers, from the movies collection.

There are times when we want to make sure that the field is an array, and that it is not empty. We can do this within $match


{ $match: { writers: { $elemMatch: { $exists: true } } }


However, the entries within writers presents another problem. A good amount of entries in writers look something like the following, where the writer is attributed with their specific contribution


"writers" : [ "Vincenzo Cerami (story)", "Roberto Benigni (story)" ]


But the writer also appears in the cast array as "Roberto Benigni"!

Give it a look with the following query


db.movies.findOne({title: "Life Is Beautiful"}, { _id: 0, cast: 1, writers: 1})


This presents a problem, since comparing "Roberto Benigni" to "Roberto Benigni (story)" will definitely result in a difference.


Thankfully there is a powerful expression to help us, $map. $map lets us iterate over an array, element by element, performing some transformation on each element. The result of that transformation will be returned in the same place as the original element.


Within $map, the argument to input can be any expression as long as it resolves to an array. The argument to as is the name of the variable we want to use to refer to each element of the array when performing whatever logic we want. The field as is optional, and if omitted each element must be referred to as $$this:: The argument to in is the expression that is applied to each element of the input array, referenced with the variable name specified in as, and prepending two dollar signs:


writers: {

$map: {

input: "$writers",

as: "writer",

in: "$$writer"




in is where the work is performed. Here, we use the $arrayElemAt expression, which takes two arguments, the array and the index of the element we want. We use the $split expression, splitting the values on " (".


If the string did not contain the pattern specified, the only modification is it is wrapped in an array, so $arrayElemAt will always work


writers: {

$map: {

input: "$writers",

as: "writer",

in: {

$arrayElemAt: [


$split: [ "$$writer", " (" ]










Let's find how many movies in our movies collection are a "labor of love", where the same person appears in cast, directors, and writers

Hint: You will need to use $setIntersection operator in the aggregation pipeline to find out the result.

Note that your dataset may have duplicate entries for some films. You do not need to count the duplicate entries.

To get a count after you have defined your pipeline, there are two simple methods.


// add the $count stage to the end of your pipeline

// you will learn about this stage shortly!





{ $count: "labors of love" }



// or use itcount()







How many movies are "labors of love"?




Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

geoNear Stage




$geoNear (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$geoNearOutputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB removes the limit and num options for the $geoNear stage as well as the default limit of 100 documents. To limit t





Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

Cursor-like stages: Part 1



Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

Cursor-like stages: Part 2



Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

$sample Stage




$sample (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$sampleRandomly selects the specified number of documents from the input documents.The $sample stage has the following syntax:{ $sample: { size: } }N is the number of documents to randomly select.If all of the following conditio





Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

Lab: Using Cursor-like Stages


MongoDB has another movie night scheduled. This time, we polled employees for their favorite actress or actor, and got these results


favorites = [

"Sandra Bullock",

"Tom Hanks",

"Julia Roberts",

"Kevin Spacey",

"George Clooney"]


For movies released in the USA with a tomatoes.viewer.rating greater than or equal to 3, calculate a new field called num_favs that represets how many favorites appear in the cast field of the movie.

Sort your results by num_favs, tomatoes.viewer.rating, and title, all in descending order.

What is the title of the 25th film in the aggregation result?


-> The Heat





Chapter 2: Basic Aggregation - Utility Stages

Lab - Bringing it all together


Calculate an average rating for each movie in our collection where English is an available language, the minimum imdb.rating is at least 1, the minimum imdb.votes is at least 1, and it was released in 1990 or after. You'll be required to rescale (or normalize) imdb.votes. The formula to rescale imdb.votes and calculate normalized_rating is included as a handout.


What film has the lowest normalized_rating?


-> The Christmas Tree



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

The $group Stage




$group (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$groupGroups input documents by the specified _id expression and for each distinct grouping, outputs a document. The _id field of each output document contains the unique group by value. The output documents can also contain com





Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

Accumulator Stages with $project




Aggregation Pipeline Operators — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB ManualFor details on specific operator, including syntax and examples, click on the specific operator to go to its reference page.These expression operators are available to construct expressions for use in the aggregation pipeline st





Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

Lab - $group and Accumulators


In the last lab, we calculated a normalized rating that required us to know what the minimum and maximum values for imdb.votes were. These values were found using the $group stage!


For all films that won at least 1 Oscar, calculate the standard deviation, highest, lowest, and average imdb.rating. Use the sample standard deviation expression.


HINT - All movies in the collection that won an Oscar begin with a string resembling one of the following in their awards field


Won 13 Oscars

Won 1 Oscar


Select the correct answer from the choices below. Numbers are truncated to 4 decimal places.


Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

Lab - $unwind


Let's use our increasing knowledge of the Aggregation Framework to explore our movies collection in more detail. We'd like to calculate how many movies every cast member has been in and get an average imdb.rating for each cast member.


What is the name, number of movies, and average rating (truncated to one decimal) for the cast member that has been in the most number of movies with English as an available language?


Provide the input in the following order and format


{ "_id": "First Last", "numFilms": 1, "average": 1.1 }

-> { "_id": "John Wayne", "numFilms": 107, "average": 6.4 }



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

The $lookup Stage




$lookup (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$lookupPerforms a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database to filter in documents from the "joined" collection for processing. To each input document, the $lookup stage adds a new array field whose element




Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

The $lookup Stage


Which of the following statements is true about the $lookup stage?

- $lookup matches between localField and foreignField with an equality match

- The collection specified in from cannot be sharded

- Specifying an existing field name to as will overwrite the the existing field



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

Lab - Using $lookup


Which alliance from air_alliances flies the most routes with either a Boeing 747 or an Airbus A380 (abbreviated 747 and 380 in air_routes)?


-> "SkyTeam"




Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup Introduction



Which of the following statements apply to $graphLookup operator? check all that apply

-> $graphLookup provides MongoDB a transitive closure implementation

-> Provides MongoDB with graph or graph-like capabilities




Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup: Simple Lookup




Which of the following statements is/are correct? Check all that apply.

- connectToField will be used on recursive find operations

- connectFromField value will be use to match connectToField in a recursive match



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup: Simple Lookup Reverse Schema



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup: maxDepth and depthField


- maxDepth allows you to specify the number of recursive lookups
- depthField determines a field in the result document, which specifies the number of recursive lookups needed to reach that document



Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup: Cross Collection Lookup


Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

$graphLookup: General Considerations


Consider the following statement:

``$graphLookup`` is required to be the last element on the pipeline.

Which of the following is true about the statement?

- This is incorrect. $graphLookup can be used in any position of the pipeline and acts in the same way as a regular $lookup.




Chapter 3: Core Aggregation - Combining Information

Lab: $graphLookup


Now that you have been introduced to $graphLookup, let's use it to solve an interesting need. You are working for a travel agency and would like to find routes for a client! For this exercise, we'll be using the air_airlines, air_alliances, and air_routes collections in the aggregations database.


The air_airlines collection will use the following schema:



"_id" : ObjectId("56e9b497732b6122f8790280"),

"airline" : 4,

"name" : "2 Sqn No 1 Elementary Flying Training School",

"alias" : "",

"iata" : "WYT",

"icao" : "",

"active" : "N",

"country" : "United Kingdom",

"base" : "HGH"



The air_routes collection will use this schema:



"_id" : ObjectId("56e9b39b732b6122f877fa31"),

"airline" : {

"id" : 410,

"name" : "Aerocondor",

"alias" : "2B",

"iata" : "ARD"


"src_airport" : "CEK",

"dst_airport" : "KZN",

"codeshare" : "",

"stops" : 0,

"airplane" : "CR2"



Finally, the air_alliances collection will show the airlines that are in each alliance, with this schema:



"_id" : ObjectId("581288b9f374076da2e36fe5"),

"name" : "Star Alliance",

"airlines" : [

"Air Canada",

"Adria Airways",


"Scandinavian Airlines",

"All Nippon Airways",

"Brussels Airlines",

"Shenzhen Airlines",

"Air China",

"Air New Zealand",

"Asiana Airlines",

"Copa Airlines",

"Croatia Airlines",


"TAP Portugal",

"United Airlines",

"Turkish Airlines",

"Swiss International Air Lines",


"EVA Air",

"South African Airways",

"Singapore Airlines"




Determine the approach that satisfies the following question in the most efficient manner:


Find the list of all possible distinct destinations, with at most one layover, departing from the base airports of airlines from Germany, Spain or Canada that are part of the "OneWorld" alliance. Include both the destination and which airline services that location. As a small hint, you should find 158 destinations.


Select the correct pipeline from the following set of options:



$match: { name: "OneWorld" }

}, {

$graphLookup: {

startWith: "$airlines",

from: "air_airlines",

connectFromField: "name",

connectToField: "name",

as: "airlines",

maxDepth: 0,

restrictSearchWithMatch: {

country: { $in: ["Germany", "Spain", "Canada"] }



}, {

$graphLookup: {

startWith: "$airlines.base",

from: "air_routes",

connectFromField: "dst_airport",

connectToField: "src_airport",

as: "connections",

maxDepth: 1


}, {

$project: {

validAirlines: "$airlines.name",

"connections.dst_airport": 1,

"connections.airline.name": 1



{ $unwind: "$connections" },


$project: {

isValid: { $in: ["$connections.airline.name", "$validAirlines"] },

"connections.dst_airport": 1



{ $match: { isValid: true } },

{ $group: { _id: "$connections.dst_airport" } }





Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Facets: Introduction



Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Facets: Single Facet Query





Which of the following aggregation pipelines are single facet queries?



{"$match": { "$text": {"$search": "network"}}},

{"$sortByCount": "$offices.city"}




{"$unwind": "$offices"},

{"$project": { "_id": "$name", "hq": "$offices.city"}},

{"$sortByCount": "$hq"},

{"$sort": {"_id":-1}},

{"$limit": 100}




Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Facets: Manual Buckets





Assuming that field1 is composed of double values, ranging between 0 and Infinity, and field2 is of type string, which of the following stages are correct?


{'$bucket': { 'groupBy': '$field2', 'boundaries': [ "a", "asdas", "z" ], 'default': 'Others'}}



Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Facets: Auto Buckets




$bucketAuto (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$bucketAutoCategorizes incoming documents into a specific number of groups, called buckets, based on a specified expression. Bucket boundaries are automatically determined in an attempt to evenly distribute the documents into th




Auto Bucketing will ...


- given a number of buckets, try to distribute documents evenly across buckets.

- adhere bucket boundaries to a numerical series set by the granularity option.



Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Facets: Multiple Facets







Which of the following statement(s) apply to the $facet stage?

- The $facet stage allows several sub-pipelines to be executed to produce multiple facets.

- The $facet stage allows the application to generate several different facets with one single database request.





Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

Lab - $facets


How many movies are in both the top ten highest rated movies according to the imdb.rating and the metacritic fields? We should get these results with exactly one access to the database.


Hint: What is the intersection?


-> 1



Chapter 4: Core Aggregation - Multidimensional Grouping

The $sortByCount Stage






$sortByCount (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$sortByCountGroups incoming documents based on the value of a specified expression, then computes the count of documents in each distinct group.Each output document contains two fields: an _id field containing the distinct group





Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

The $redact Stage




$redact (aggregation) — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB Manual$redactRestricts the contents of the documents based on information stored in the documents themselves.The $redact stage has the following prototype form:{ $redact: }The argument can be any valid expression as long as it resolve





Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

The $out Stage


regarding the $out stage?
- $out will overwrite an existing collection if specified.



Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

$merge Overview



In MongoDB 4.2, the $merge Aggregation stage:

- can merge documents from an Aggregation and a target collection.

- can output to a collection in the same or different database.

- can output to a sharded collection.




Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

$merge Syntax


Consider an Aggregation Pipeline using the new $merge stage that outputs to the employee_data collection.

If we are not expecting to find any matching documents in the employee_data collection, which of the following stages should we use?



$merge: {

into: "employee_data",

whenNotMatched: "insert",

whenMatched: "fail"






Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

Using $merge for Single View




Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

Using $merge for a Temporary Collection




Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

Using $merge for Rollups



Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation

Homework: Using $merge


Consider a potential $merge stage that:

- outputs results to a collection called analytics.

- merges the results of the $merge stage with current analytics documents using the value of the name field.

- updates existing analytics documents to include any modified information from the resulting $merge documents.

- creates a new analytics document if an existing document with the resulting document's name does not exist.

Which of the following $merge stages will perform all of the above functionality?



$merge: {

into: "analytics",

on: "name",

whenMatched: "merge",

whenNotMatched: "insert"






Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Aggregation




Which of the following statements are true regarding MongoDB Views?

- View performance can be increased by creating the appropriate indexes on the source collection.



Chapter 6: Aggregation Performance and Pipeline Optimization

Aggregation Performance




Query Plans — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB ManualFor a query, the MongoDB query optimizer chooses and caches the most efficient query plan given the available indexes. The evaluation of the most efficient query plan is based on the number of "work units" (works) performed by t




With regards to aggregation performance, which of the following are true?

- When $limit and $sort are close together a very performant top-k sort can be performed

- Transforming data in a pipeline stage prevents us from using indexes in the stages that follow



Chapter 6: Aggregation Performance and Pipeline Optimization

Aggregation Pipeline on a Sharded Cluster




Aggregation Pipeline and Sharded Collections — MongoDB Manual

Docs Home → MongoDB ManualThe aggregation pipeline supports operations on sharded collections. This section describes behaviors specific to the aggregation pipeline and sharded collections.If the pipeline starts with an exact $match on a shard key, and t




What operators will cause a merge stage on the primary shard for a database?

- $out

- $lookup




Chapter 6: Aggregation Performance and Pipeline Optimization

Pipeline Optimization - Part 1



Chapter 6: Aggregation Performance and Pipeline Optimization

Pipeline Optimization - Part 2




Which of the following statements is/are true?

- The query in a $match stage can be entirely covered by an index

- The Aggregation Framework will automatically reorder stages in certain conditions

- The Aggregation Framework can automatically project fields if the shape of the final document is only dependent upon those fields in the input document.

- Causing a merge in a sharded deployment will cause all subsequent pipeline stages to be performed in the same location as the merge




Final Exam

Final: Question 1


Consider the following aggregation pipelines:


Pipeline 1


{"$match": {"field_a": {"$gt": 1983}}},

{"$project": { "field_a": "$field_a.1", "field_b": 1, "field_c": 1 }},

{"$replaceRoot":{"newRoot": {"_id": "$field_c", "field_b": "$field_b"}}},

{"$out": "coll2"},

{"$match": {"_id.field_f": {"$gt": 1}}},

{"$replaceRoot":{"newRoot": {"_id": "$field_b", "field_c": "$_id"}}}



Pipeline 2


{"$match": {"field_a": {"$gt": 111}}},

{"$geoNear": {

"near": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] },

"distanceField": "distance"}},

{"$project": { "distance": "$distance", "name": 1, "_id": 0 }}



Pipeline 3



"$facet": {

"averageCount": [

{"$unwind": "$array_field"},

{"$group": {"_id": "$array_field", "count": {"$sum": 1}}}


"categorized": [{"$sortByCount": "$arrayField"}]




"$facet": {

"new_shape": [{"$project": {"range": "$categorized._id"}}],

"stats": [{"$match": {"range": 1}}, {"$indexStats": {}}]





Which of the following statements are correct?

Pipeline 2 is incorrect because $geoNear needs to be the first stage of our pipeline

Pipeline 3 fails because $indexStats must be the first stage in a pipeline and may not be used within a $facet

Pipeline 1 fails since $out is required to be the last stage of the pipeline




Final Exam

Final: Question 2


Consider the following collection:



"a": [1, 34, 13]



The following pipelines are executed on top of this collection, using a mixed set of different expression accross the different stages:


Pipeline 1



{"$match": { "a" : {"$sum": 1} }},

{"$project": { "_id" : {"$addToSet": "$a"} }},

{"$group": { "_id" : "", "max_a": {"$max": "$_id"} }}



Pipeline 2



{"$project": { "a_divided" : {"$divide": ["$a", 1]} }}



Pipeline 3



{"$project": {"a": {"$max": "$a"}}},

{"$group": {"_id": "$$ROOT._id", "all_as": {"$sum": "$a"}}}



Given these pipelines, which of the following statements are correct?

- Pipeline 1 is incorrect because you cannot use an accumulator expression in a $match stage.

- Pipeline 3 is correct and will execute with no error

- Pipeline 2 fails because the $divide operator only supports numeric types


Final Exam

Final: Question 3


Consider the following collection documents:


{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "Bernice Pope", "age" : 69, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.011Z") }

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Eric Malone", "age" : 57, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.014Z") }

{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Blanche Miller", "age" : 35, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.015Z") }

{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Sue Perez", "age" : 64, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.016Z") }

{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "Ryan White", "age" : 39, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.019Z") }

{ "_id" : 5, "name" : "Grace Payne", "age" : 56, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.020Z") }

{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "Jessie Yates", "age" : 53, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.020Z") }

{ "_id" : 7, "name" : "Herbert Mason", "age" : 37, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.020Z") }

{ "_id" : 8, "name" : "Jesse Jordan", "age" : 47, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.020Z") }

{ "_id" : 9, "name" : "Hulda Fuller", "age" : 25, "date" : ISODate("2017-10-04T18:35:44.020Z") }


And the aggregation pipeline execution result:


{ "_id" : 8, "names" : [ "Sue Perez" ], "word" : "P" }

{ "_id" : 9, "names" : [ "Ryan White" ], "word" : "W" }

{ "_id" : 10, "names" : [ "Eric Malone", "Grace Payne" ], "word" : "MP" }

{ "_id" : 11, "names" : [ "Bernice Pope", "Jessie Yates", "Jesse Jordan", "Hulda Fuller" ], "word" : "PYJF" }

{ "_id" : 12, "names" : [ "Herbert Mason" ], "word" : "M" }

{ "_id" : 13, "names" : [ "Blanche Miller" ], "word" : "M" }


Which of the following pipelines generates the output result?

var pipeline = [{

"$project": {

"surname_capital": { "$substr": [{"$arrayElemAt": [ {"$split": [ "$name", " " ] }, 1]}, 0, 1 ] },

"name_size": { "$add" : [{"$strLenCP": "$name"}, -1]},

"name": 1




"$group": {

"_id": "$name_size",

"word": { "$push": "$surname_capital" },

"names": {"$push": "$name"}




"$project": {

"word": {

"$reduce": {

"input": "$word",

"initialValue": "",

"in": { "$concat": ["$$value", "$$this"] }



"names": 1




"$sort": { "_id": 1}






Final Exam

Final: Question 4


$facet is an aggregation stage that allows for sub-pipelines to be executed.

var pipeline = [


$match: { a: { $type: "int" } }



$project: {

_id: 0,

a_times_b: { $multiply: ["$a", "$b"] }




$facet: {

facet_1: [{ $sortByCount: "a_times_b" }],

facet_2: [{ $project: { abs_facet1: { $abs: "$facet_1._id" } } }],

facet_3: [


$facet: {

facet_3_1: [{ $bucketAuto: { groupBy: "$_id", buckets: 2 } }]








In the above pipeline, which uses $facet, there are some incorrect stages or/and expressions being used.


Which of the following statements point out errors in the pipeline?

- facet_2 uses the output of a parallel sub-pipeline, facet_1, to compute an expression

- can not nest a $facet stage as a sub-pipeline.





Final Exam

Final: Question 5


Consider a company producing solar panels and looking for the next markets they want to target in the USA. We have a collection with all the major cities (more than 100,000 inhabitants) from all over the World with recorded number of sunny days for some of the last years.


A sample document looks like the following:




"_id": 10,

"city": "San Diego",

"region": "CA",

"country": "USA",

"sunnydays": [220, 232, 205, 211, 242, 270]



The collection also has these indexes:





"v": 2,

"key": {

"_id": 1


"name": "_id_",

"ns": "test.cities"



"v": 2,

"key": {

"city": 1


"name": "city_1",

"ns": "test.cities"



"v": 2,

"key": {

"country": 1


"name": "country_1",

"ns": "test.cities"




We would like to find the cities in the USA where the minimum number of sunny days is 200 and the average number of sunny days is at least 220. Lastly, we'd like to have the results sorted by the city's name. The matching documents may or may not have a different shape than the initial one.


We have the following query:


var pipeline = [

{"$addFields": { "min": {"$min": "$sunnydays"}}},

{"$addFields": { "mean": {"$avg": "$sunnydays" }}},

{"$sort": {"city": 1}},

{"$match": { "country": "USA", "min": {"$gte": 200}, "mean": {"$gte": 220}}}




However, this pipeline execution can be optimized!


Which of the following choices is still going to produce the expected results and likely improve the most the execution of this aggregation pipeline?


var pipeline = [

{"$match": { "country": "USA"}},

{"$addFields": { "mean": {"$avg": "$sunnydays"}}},

{"$match": { "mean": {"$gte": 220}, "sunnydays": {"$not": {"$lt": 200 }}}},

{"$sort": {"city": 1}}





Final Exam

Final: Question 6


Consider the following people collection:



{ "_id" : 0, "name" : "Iva Estrada", "age" : 95, "state" : "WA", "phone" : "(739) 557-2576", "ssn" : "901-34-4492" }

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Roger Walton", "age" : 92, "state" : "ID", "phone" : "(948) 527-2370", "ssn" : "498-61-9106" }

{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Isaiah Norton", "age" : 26, "state" : "FL", "phone" : "(344) 479-5646", "ssn" : "052-49-6049" }

{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Tillie Salazar", "age" : 88, "state" : "ND", "phone" : "(216) 414-5981", "ssn" : "708-26-3486" }

{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "Cecelia Wells", "age" : 16, "state" : "SD", "phone" : "(669) 809-9128", "ssn" : "977-00-7372" }


And the corresponding people_contacts view:



{ "_id" : 6585, "name" : "Aaron Alvarado", "phone" : "(631)*********", "ssn" : "********8014" }

{ "_id" : 8510, "name" : "Aaron Barnes", "phone" : "(944)*********", "ssn" : "********6820" }

{ "_id" : 6441, "name" : "Aaron Barton", "phone" : "(234)*********", "ssn" : "********1937" }

{ "_id" : 8180, "name" : "Aaron Coleman", "phone" : "(431)*********", "ssn" : "********7559" }

{ "_id" : 9738, "name" : "Aaron Fernandez", "phone" : "(578)*********", "ssn" : "********0211" }


Which of the of the following commands generates this people_contacts view?



var pipeline = [


"$sort": {"name": 1}



"$project": {"name":1,

"phone": {

"$concat": [

{"$arrayElemAt": [{"$split": ["$phone", " "]}, 0]} ,

"*********" ]


"ssn": {

"$concat": [


{"$arrayElemAt": [{"$split": ["$ssn", "-"]}, 2]}






db.createView("people_contacts", "people", pipeline);




Final Exam

Final: Question 7


Using the air_alliances and air_routes collections, find which alliance has the most unique carriers(airlines) operating between the airports JFK and LHR, in either directions.


Names are distinct, i.e. Delta != Delta Air Lines


src_airport and dst_airport contain the originating and terminating airport information.





-> OneWorld, with 5 carriers


