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Git Tutorial [출처] http://www.dreamy.pe.kr/zbxe/CodeClip/95408 ( 출처: http://sapeyes.blog.me/70118257910 ) Lars Vogel이 2009/09/13~2011/08/24 기간 동안에 작성하고 계속 수정해온 튜토리얼이다. http://www.vogella.de/articles/Git/article.html 에 원본이 있다.단순히 번역만 하도록 한다. 1. Git 1.1 Git이란 무엇인가? Git은 분산형 버전 관리 시스템 (DVCS, Distributed Version Control System)이며 C언어로 구현되었다. 버전 관리시스템은 당신이 어떤 파일 집합에 대한 히스토리를 생성하고 관리할 수 있도록 도우며 특정 다른 상태(어느 시점)으로 복귀.. 2013. 7. 25.
The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in configuration [참조] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8820668/the-current-branch-is-not-configured-for-pull-no-value-for-key-branch-master-merWindow -> Show view -> Other -> GIT -> Git RepositoriesExpand the repo folder you created.It will contain a folder called "Working Directory" expand it.There will be a folder inside the "Working Directory" folder called ".git" expand it.Inside ".git" there will be "conf.. 2013. 7. 23.
scplugin server certificate verification failed 1. Open Terminal 2. type "/usr/local/bin/svn ls http://ip:8443/svn/svnrepo" (no quotes) and press return 3. you'll be prompted about the certificate 4. type "p" (no quotes) and press return 2013. 7. 11.
connect error (2003) can't connect to mysql server on (13) [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4078205/php-cant-connect-to-mysql-with-error-13-but-command-line-can setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1 will also be a helpful CLI command to many people visiting this question, as to allow mysql_connet() connections from within HTTP (Apache) requests to a remote MySQL database server, ensure to enable Network Connections from httpd in SElinux usuall.. 2013. 6. 28.
System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission SecurityException when trying to use ManagedFusion Rewriter on Goddaddy [Q] System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission SecurityException when trying to use ManagedFusion Rewriter on Goddaddy [A] Try the following: App Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Load Users Profile = True 2013. 6. 20.
리눅스 버전 정보 확인 (아파치 버젼, 톰캣 버젼, 자바 버젼, 리눅스 버전) [출처] http://knight76.tistory.com/1134 * 아파치 정보 설치 디렉토리/bin]# httpd -v Server version: Apache/2.2.13 (Unix) Server built: Dec 10 2009 01:29:37 * 톰캣 정보톰캣설치디렉토리/bin]# ./version.sh 또는 ./catalina.sh version Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/tomcat/lucy_8080 Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/local/tomcat/lucy_8080 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/tomcat/lucy_8080/temp Using CATALINA_LOGDIR: /home/www/backup/to.. 2013. 5. 27.
[Linux]자바(java) + 톰켓(tomcat) 설치 #### JDK(6.22) + Tomcat(7.x) 설치 ####1. 자바설치 JDK 파일다운(http://java.sun.com) jdk-6u22-linux-i586.bin 프로그램 다운 # wget ftp://****.jdk-6u22-linux-i586.bin 퍼미션 변경 # chmod 700 jdk-6u22-linux-i586.bin 설치 # ./jdk-6u22-linux-i586.bin# /usr/local/ 로 이동 -> mv jdk1.6.0_22 /usr/local/ 환경설정 # vi /etc/profile/export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_22” export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/jr.. 2013. 5. 27.
프로세스 정보 확인 - Tasklist [출처] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1154745/get-activity-monitor-mac-osx-through-java String line; String sysUserName=System.getProperty("user.name"); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("tasklist /fi \"username eq"+sysUserName+"\""); // for windows // Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ps -u "+sysUserName+""); // for mac BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(.. 2013. 5. 21.
[MSSQL] DB별 Buffer Memory 사용량 측정 [출처] http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2393/determine-sql-server-memory-use-by-database-and-object/ Determine SQL Server memory use by database and object By: Aaron Bertrand | Read Comments (15) | Related Tips: More > Dynamic Management Views and Functions Free SQL Server Learning - Get a six month training plan for the Accidental DBAProblemFor many people, the way that SQL Server uses memor.. 2013. 5. 21.